How to multiply your wealth 50 to 100 times Usd 27
An easy to understand step by step guide to enable you to grow your wealth to staggering amounts of money. In school they don´t teach you this stuff.
How to make 100 times more money from your capital than from your work. Usd 5000
A course divided up into easy to understand modules to enable you to manage your capital effectively. In school they don´t teach you this stuff. They teach you to make money in a certain field and thereby equip you to start a career. However, they don´t teach you to manage the money you manage to make and save. That´s why most people die poor. In this course we give you the secrets that the super rich use to manage what they make in such a way that they make their money work to grow it into a heck of a lot more.
Our Prosperity Value Reports Usd 40 each
When we identify an asset which we consider to be outstanding value we write a report about it. Our reports are not investment advice but rather pointers for you to select assets to put on your shortlist to do further due diligence on them and to obtain specialized investment advice on them. Remember all investments carry risk so it is important that you do not invest more than you can afford to lose.
Our Prosperity Membership Usd 200 per month
This is very much our most popular and best value product. That is because it includes, over a six month period, our manual "How to Multiply Your Wealth 50 to 100 Times" - a roadmap for prosperity worth 27 dollars. It also includes our modular based course "How to Make 100 Times More Money from Your Capital than from Your Work", worth 5000 dollars. It also incudes all our Christian books and courses helping you to prosper spiritually as well as financially, and helping you to prosper in other areas such as health, recreation and housing. It includes all our past, present and future Prosperity Value Reports which amount to unquantifiable incredible value. It also enables you to participate in our affiliate plan which has one of the best compensation plans in the industry. All you have to do is get new paid up members for us. That saves us advertising costs so we can afford to pay you a very generous commission. When you become a member you are investing in YOU, putting you on the road to acquiring the skills and methods to enable you to manage your own wealth and become rich if you are successful at it. When you introduce someone else to be a member, you are in effect doing them a big favour, as you are leading them to a fountain of wealth and knowledge that can enrich their lives.
Our Christian Books:
Don Antonio´s Slimming Course Usd 195
Issues Children Face Usd 20
Walking with Jesus through the Wilderness
- a study of the book of Joel Usd 20
The Sheep and The Foxes - a parady of the end times Usd 10
Rising to the Challenge - a practical guide to going on mission Usd 20
Two visits to Heaven - a detailed description of Heaven Usd 35
The 110 Commandments of Jesus Christ Usd 20
Living your life victoriously - a study of the book of Ephesians Usd 20
19 keys to growing your church Usd 20
Balloon Economies - the mother of all crashes Usd 20
Praise and Worship course Usd 50
Handling Money God´s Way Usd 20
Christians in Palestine Usd 15
5 keys to a successful cell group program Usd 15
From the Shangri-La to the streets of Oxford - a study of the valley
of Baca. How to face wilderness periods in your life. Usd 15
Walking with Jesus Christ - an advanced discipleship course Usd 250
God´s Superfoods - Plus 25 foods the Bible tells us to eat Usd 20
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Prosperity For All Limited,
80A Ruskin Ave, Welling, London DA16 3QQ, UK.
Our Mission ; To help enable you to prosper.
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